Create sales receipts in Kale Online POS
Create a sales receipt when customer pays fully at the time of sales.
- Go to the Plus + menu at the top of the right, and select Sales.
- Select items to sell by searching for the item name or number or scanning the product’s barcode.
- After selecting item(s) Press Pay.
- Choose Payment method (Cash or Card or Check or Multi payment).
- Enter the total Received amount.
- When you're done, click on Accept.
- If you want to print the sales receipt click on the Print.
How to select customer?
- If you need to track sales by customer, click on customer at the top of the left side in sales screen (You can select an existing customer or add a new customer).
How to give discount?
- If you want to give item discount (Go to setting | Item | Allow item discount)
- Click on the selected item.
- Give item discount (amount or %).
- If you want to apply for a discount on your order (Go to setting | Order | Allow order discount)
- Go to the bottom of the screen and click on the Dis button.
- Give order discount (amount or %).
How to hold the orders?
You've already scanned items for a customer, and he wants you to hold the transaction until he come back with some more item, we can hold the transaction.
- Click on Hold.
How to recall or view hold orders?
- Click on Hold view at the top of right hand side.
- After taking hold order, finish the sale as usual.
How to use the shortcut keys in sales screen?
- To use the short cut keys (Go to the settings | Order | Search box short key style | Select Item Code*qty | Qty * Item Code)
- When selling more than one item, you can enter the item’s code, followed by Item Code * quanity.